Let me put it this way, I'm gonna 'steal your face' with this cigar...a tribute to my oldest nephew's flying squad, the Wizzards, GO NAVY!
Hill Country Humidor supporting our military at Whidbey Island.
Posted 8 years, 7 months Ago
You may be cool, but not motorcycling in Africa at 85 years young cool like Mr. Heinrich Villiger. #TheOriginalClassic #VilligerCigars #botl #sotl
Posted 8 years, 7 months Ago
Delightful, delicious...come in, relax & taste the NEW Stuff!
Hill Country Humidor feeling excited with Daniel Rhodes and John Garcia.
Posted 8 years, 7 months Ago
New Oliva @ the Hill Country Humidor!
Posted 8 years, 7 months Ago
Whats up everyone. Just letting everyone know that we are back in town. Come on in and grab your stogies or fresh pipe tobacco and here all about our Vegas experience.
Posted 8 years, 7 months Ago
Day 4--So good to visit with Jorge, our Alec Bradley rep, he's one of a kind!
Hill Country Humidor added 3 new photos  at IPCPR.
Posted 8 years, 7 months Ago
We really enjoyed working with Lia and are VERY excited for things to come from Jorge Armenteros, President and Founder of Tobacconist University.
Hill Country Humidor at IPCPR.
Posted 8 years, 7 months Ago
4th day at the trade show-- I'm VERY proud of Daniel Rhodes & John Garcia!
You can't buy honesty or loyalty--either you have it or you don't.
My shopkeeper's att**udes, confidence & dedication to locating and tasting the finest cigars, pipes & tobaccos for our customers is unparalleled.
Hill Country Humidor added 2 new photos  at IPCPR.
Posted 8 years, 7 months Ago
LUNCHTIME Learning Series #3--Excellent speakers from our industry providing strategies for Retailer Best Practice.
One of our speakers, with a shop in Washington DC, has been in business for131 YEARS!
Daniel Rhodes, John Garcia, Doris Davila and I are hearing and learning about immediate changes that will be made, from legislative representatives, that will ensure I am in compliance with the the FDA.
Hill Country Humidor feeling confident at IPCPR.
Posted 8 years, 7 months Ago
Hill Country Humidor added a new photo.
Posted 8 years, 7 months Ago