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Is the store Open for business these days? We're coming up from St. Paul and want to stop in.
Posted 11 years, 5 months Ago
D last words d last talks d last kiss d world at last just smile
Posted 11 years, 5 months Ago
Hey Joe...What up doh?
Posted 11 years, 5 months Ago
I got to thank Donny Ness, the city council and past politicians for promoting tourism in Duluth. I went out of town and can't get properly served when I go out to eat as every person in a successful city that works at a restaurant is in high school and the managers would not be able to hold a job serving fries at burger king in Duluth. Even the complete reject of society do not serve meals here...might be a good change from the snot nosed little t***s that scratch themselves and pick their noses and are still so mentally undeveloped that they think nobody notices. I would also like to thank all of you that are as they say taking one for the team or are dumb enough to believe that the tourism industry benefits you if you work one of those c***py jobs... I enjoy being served a good meal once and a while without a staff that picks their nose and scratches their asses.
I am also a low income slave to Mr. ness and only get a chance to go out to eat occasionally, but I have to that donny for keeping Duluthians believing tourism jobs and being part of the working poor is great.
Posted 11 years, 5 months Ago
Keep your chin up, not everyone refuses to recognize the truth. The actions of our totalitarian government does not equal justice. Much love and respect to you all.
Posted 11 years, 6 months Ago
Posted 11 years, 7 months Ago
are you still open no one answers the phn
Posted 11 years, 7 months Ago
whats up with sign in doorway? what other stores are they talking about?
Posted 11 years, 7 months Ago
jump ball storming on in storming on out out jump ball see the light see the direction like the lights & direction sure was perfect strung out see nile sway ways
jump ball swirl swirl storming on in storming on out duh da da a er ra e ra row column out jump ball see the light see the direction duh da da a er ra e ra swirl a swirl light direction row column dunt duh da dunt duh da a e rra e ra perfect strung sway ways
jump ball echo move storming on in echo move storming on out echo move out jump ball row column lights & direction row column lights & direction swirl swirl perfect strung out see nile dunt dunt a er sway ways ra e ra
Posted 11 years, 7 months Ago
Are you guys still going to be open tomorrow, with the new city ordinance requiring licensing?
Posted 11 years, 7 months Ago