Coupon/Discount Title:High Friends: Discount Draw!!
From:0000-00-00 to 0000-00-00
Every Saturday and Sunday: spend $10 in store for 1 card, $30 for 2 cards, $70 for 3 cards & $100 for 4 cards! Prizes include - $1 off, a Free Bic Lighter, a Free Dab Container, $2 off & Other Prizes. (THERE ARE NO LOSING CARDS)
From:0000-00-00 to 0000-00-00
Every Saturday and Sunday: spend $10 in store for 1 card, $30 for 2 cards, $70 for 3 cards & $100 for 4 cards! Prizes include - $1 off, a Free Bic Lighter, a Free Dab Container, $2 off & Other Prizes. (THERE ARE NO LOSING CARDS)