Playing around with the New 💋Tooth Kandy App Download it today at the App store for Free for all iphone users📲 Very Simple to use 💎1. Choose a gem or charm from over 100 different styles 💎2. Take a Selfie of your Beautiful Smile👄 3. Adjust Placement with a quick click and drag and Thats it! It automatically saves the picture of you with your new tooth gem! Try on a Tooth Kandy with out even coming in to the studio! Have fun guys💋💠xoxo #toothkandyapp #toothkandy #toothkandy #toothcandy #toothbling #toothjewelry #toothkandylosangeles #toothgem #toothgems #toothgemsbytoothkandy #toothfairyinlosangeles #toothgemtechnician #toothgemkit #dental #semipermanente #smile #bling #toothbling #diamondtooth #goldtooth #grillz #losangeles #kokopelliink catch me at #dctattooexpo #dctattooexpo2016 this Weekend! #toothkandytour