We are a Screen Print and Embroidery Company named CLK American Prints LLC/ SENOR INC. We produce some of the best quality at the lowest rates. We can get you just about whatever you want as far apparel goes. I will also give you the two site all the pros order from and help you navigate them to find exactly what you are looking for. We offer promo shirts, jackets, hats, shorts etc.. When you order your first 500 piece order from CLK American Prints LLC/ SENOR INC. You will get a lifetime 20% discount from US!! Artwork is also free when you order 50 or more pieces at once. We work on artwork 24/7 so hit us up anytime. These are two major wholesalers every shop orders from. www.alphabroder.com / www.sanmar.com/www.americanapparel.net/ Like our Facebook business page CLK American Prints LLC/ Senor INC and if you have any questions or need artwork/branding send me a message via email or text. We offer 25% from each customer deal you refer to our company, so in other words you get paid for sending business our way. CLYDE HINSON OWNER OF CLK American Prints LLC/ SENOR INC PH: (727)-831-7570 www.senorinc.com EHANDER2001@YAHOO.COM CLYDE.HINSON@SENORINC.COM