SAVE OUR VAPING FREEDOM - WE NEED HELP Potential legal changes: 1) Prohibit Sales to anyone 18-years of age or younger. Active age verification will be a requirement for on-line sales and at the store level. 2) Ban Free Samples and E-Cig Vending Machines. There is some question about free samples applying to 0 nicotine e-liquid. Since there is no nicotine present in the liquid, can it be considered a “tobacco productâ€? The FDA contends that if used in a vaping device, that 0 Nicotine e-liquid would - by default - be considered a “tobacco productâ€. The reasoning behind this position is questionable and would warrant a “comment†to the FDA during this 75-day period. 3) Make all products carry a large warning label “This product contains nicotine derived from tobacco. Nicotine is an addictive chemical.†This warning requirement will entail significant product label changes. The label must, by definition, be sized to at least 20% of the label surface space. Whether on a bottle, box or some other labeled container, all product labels would need to be redesigned to accommodate this requirement. 4) Make all e-Cig companies register their products with the FDA, report ingredients and flag potentially harmful chemicals. This means ALL of a company’s products that are used in the e-cigarette market. From liquids, to hardware, to accessories. Each manufacturer, supplier and distributor would be required to submit extensive paperwork for each product. Estimations on the amount of paperwork are somewhere in the range of 5,000 total hours per newly registered tobacco product. This includes a significant time spent conducting clinical studies on the product. This is a massive undertaking-and one which we consider to be grossly unfair to just about any manufacturer, supplier or retail outlet. 5) The ability to advertise their products as being safer than conventional cigarettes or make comparisons will no longer be allowed. There is a 75-day Questioning Period in which to submit comments for the FDA regarding the regulation. We encourage all of you to become familiar with the new proposed regulations and send comments to the FDA within the 75-day period. The comment period started April 25, 2014 so final submissions are due July 8, 2014. (75 day period) You only get ONE chance to make a submission, so all comments you have will need to be covered in your single doc**ent. The FDA is giving companies two years after the rule becomes final to submit applications for product approval. What I'm urging you to do today is make yourself familiar with the proposed ruling. Please read it. It will affect all concerned vaping enthusiasts. Here is a link to the FDA Proposed Deeming Regulation:!doc**entDetail;D=FDA-2014-N-0189-0001 Once you’re familiar with the doc**ent, please carefully consider the comments you will send in for your ONE submission.