Detoxify Brand :: A Full Guide on How Detox Products Work

Detoxify is by far the most popular company that makes detox products. Since 1994, they  have created a name for themselves in this industry. Below is an article from that shows you how to use detox products and what makes the Detoxify brand superior to the competition.

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How Detox Products Work

and what makes DETOXIFY better

Our company started as a distributor of other companies’ detox products. The first Detoxify Brand products were knock-offs of the other brands we distributed - we didn’t even know how they worked. 

We felt compelled to innovate, but we were afraid to create new formulas or product forms without understanding the science behind the products. We didn’t want to risk our brand equity by putting out something that didn’t work. So we brought in a food scientist and consulted with a PhD in physiology and nutrition science while conducting hundreds of tests on ourselves - staff, friends, family, everyone was a part of our “clinical study”. 

Following is what we learned. The truth is much less mysterious than people think. Very few people know the truth though. This knowledge and our attention to detail in designing our products have made us the leader in the category.




The Basics
What Detox Products Do

To some degree, everyone is toxic.  Lifestyle choices determine how toxic each person is. The body’s systems - circulatory, digestive, urinary - are constantly at work trying to remove toxins. How well these systems function is also dependent on lifestyle choices. The healthier you live, the better your systems function, the cleaner your body is. If you live “hard”, you will get dirty and stay that way longer. Quite simple.








If you have been dirty, and you decide that you want to get clean, there are several different things you can do. Each of these approaches yields different results that can be measured. 

 You can do nothing (except stop ingesting toxins). You let your body do its job with no additional support, and you will get clean some of the time (25%, for instance).



 You can increase fluid intake. By increasing your daily intake of water and other healthy fluids, you support your body’s systems in removing toxins. This will help you get clean a majority of the time (50%+).



 You can use a cheap detox product. Given the wide variety of ingredients and ambiguous directions, you never know exactly what you’ll get, but most detox products do support the body’s natural cleansing processes. This is the basic fact of what detox products do - they support the body’s natural cleansing processes, and therefore help you get clean more effectively (90%+).



 You can use a Detoxify Brand product. Detoxify products are the only products on the market that are formulated with ingredients that specifically support all 4 Factors of Full System Cleansing. This complete formulation is what makes our products the most effective on the market today (98.5% satisfaction rate). 





Urinary System Flushing


The urinary system is the key system in achieving immediate “optimal cleansing benefits”. We spent a great deal of time and energy measuring and charting the effects of our products on the urinary system. What we found was simple but powerful. When formulated properly, and introduced into the system specifically (amounts and timing), the product could support the urinary system in such a way as to produce a “flushing” effect that was linked to the experience of optimal cleansing benefits. 





The Detoxify Zone



We called these optimal cleansing benefits “The Detoxify Zone”, and we found that most people get into the Zone within 45-90 minutes of using a Detoxify Brand product. 3 things about the design of the product support this outcome: 

1  The ingredients - A specific combination of herbs, fiber, vitamins & minerals (including creatine).
2  The amount of fluid prescribed.
3 The regimentation of introduction of the fluid and ingredients. 


We charted the results of all of the tests that we ran and compiled them. 
Those compiled findings led to the creation of the chart below. 
Maximum level of toxin’s pH, and nitrites desired in your body 
  Minimum level of creatinine and pH desired in your body
  Toxin level



To Pre-Cleanse or Not to Pre-Cleanse 





While conducting our trials, we also found that 48 hours of pre-cleansing time drastically improved the performance of our products. That pre-cleansing time was even more impactful when it was coupled with a regimen of fluid intake and use of a mild herbal blend (which ultimately became Pre-Cleanse capsules). 


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