Click-N-Hit Product Review, Portable Vaporizer
The The Click-N-Hit compact, portable, discrete, smoking device is unlike any other vaporizer that is available on the market today. The Click-N-Hit is built to be compact and portable, making it an all-in-one solution, so you can enjoy the best smoking experience anywhere you like. Click-N-Hit at home, in the car or wherever you feel the need to smoke. You can keep it in your pocket and forget about it until you feel the need to Click-N-Hit. Multitasking becomes simple with its easy one handed use for smoking on the go.

The Click-N-Hit “Vaporizer” comes in multiple colors and designs. At the low cost of $19.95 per unit, this is the best deal you can get for the smallest and most discrete “all-in-one” smoking pipe device on the market! Buy 3 and it ships FREE. Buy 4 getthe 5th FREE and FREE SHIPPING. Forget your old “one-hitter and dugout” – this new design is more ergonomic, efficient and a joy to use.


To use the Click-N-Hit simply fill the storage chamber with your favorite thing to smoke and assemble with the lighter portion, click it to light and your smoking. Satisfied smokers have said using the Click-N-Hit is even better then using a traditional pipe. “You get a full body hit, that is super smooth with no burn or after taste. The lighter portion can also be used as a stand alone torch lighter, refillable with refined butane and features flame power adjustment. The mouth piece is comfort formed and features a unique clog resistant, pull threw proof carbon filter that purifies the smoke and keeps the mouthpiece cool to the touch.

The first stage, from the base is the wind proof torch lighter engraved with the ClickN-Hit logo for authenticity on one side and the click button on the reverse side. The wind proof torch lighter can be refilled with refined butane gas. The lighter can be used on it’s own when not combined with the other 3 stages of the “vaporizer” smoking pipe device.

The second stage is the air chamber that lets air circulate in order to burn your smoking herb/tobacco. A metal screen is positioned at one end so your smoking material does not hit fall into the air chamber.

The third stage is your chamber where the smoking herb/tobacco is stored. At the other end is the stone filter which protects your lungs and retains unwanted particles.

The fourth stage is the rubber comfort formed mouth piece, which is made to be flexible and easy to use, remove and clean.

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